Freight Trip Generation Patterns in Developed Countries: The cases of United States and Portugal

The eighth webinar, Freight Trip Generation Patterns in Developed Countries: The cases of United States and Portugal was held on October 22, 2014. In this series of two webinars, the VREF Center of Excellence for Sustainable Urban Freight Systems highlighted recent research on freight trip generation. This webinar focused on developed countries and discussed the cases from the United States and Portugal.
The U.S. presentation discussed the results from the National Cooperative Freight Research Program project “Freight Trip Generation and Land Use” where freight trip generation (FTG) models are estimated using economic and land use classification systems. The Portugal presentation summarized the chief results of an establishment-based freight survey of retail establishments in the City of Lisbon. This webinar completed the series of two, devoted to urban freight trip generation.
Questions and Answers from the Webinar